Act Now - Secure Your Firearm Rights

With impending federal legislation threatening to limit firearm access, the time to act is now. Ensure your right to bear arms remains protected.

Why Wait? The Time is Now

Don't Miss Out - Visit JMS Tactical Today

Visit JMS Tactical and secure your range-ready solution before it’s too late. Protect your Second Amendment rights.

Legislative Impact on Firearm Purchases

If you are not sleeping, it is impossible to not see how the current administration is whittling away at the Constitution, and specifically your Second Amendment Rights. There is an unprecedented push to ban more and more firearms. The Constitution was written to protect the people from “Run Away Dictators”, and they want to strip your ability to defend your family. Firearms Legislation is a moving target subject to the whims and opinions of whoever is currently in office. They may be able to ban the sales of certain firearms, but it will be very difficult to take what you already have. I urge you to take an assessment of what you have, and what you lack. Don’t wait till tomorrow to try to prepare because what you need may not be available tomorrow. Act now while you can! Be safe, and God bless you and your family.

Secure Your Rights Today!

Don’t wait until it’s too late! Visit JMS Tactical today and ensure your Second Amendment rights are fully exercised. With state and local legislation constantly changing, the time to act is now. Equip yourself at JMS Tactical – where we make you range ready!
